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Guidance Info

Hello Parents and Guardians! 
As the School Counselor for Wattsburg Area Elementary Center, my role is to be a support for all students and all families. That will look different for everyone, depending on what they need! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any concerns for your child in the areas of: social, emotional, grief, disability, or changes at home. I am happy to work with students as needed. We have a variety of supports right here at school available for all students. Some of them include:

Building Level Team (BLT)—our team meets monthly to monitor and provide support for students who may be having difficultly in the areas of academics or behavior.

Student Assistance Program (SAP)—this team works to eliminate barriers students may have and provide support for challenges the family may be facing. 

Big Bobcat Program—this program pairs students with volunteer staff members as their “buddies”. It’s a great way to make sure the child feels seen/heard and connected to school. 

Lunch Bunch—I work with small groups of students that have been identified by teachers or parents during lunch time. We work on things like social skills and managing tough feelings. 

Rainbows—this after-school club is for students who have had a change in their family (divorce, death, deployment, incarceration, blended family). It runs for about 2 months in the winter. Flyers get sent home with all students prior to sign-up.
Throughout the school year I also have the pleasure of going into classrooms to conduct social/emotional lessons. These are often based on areas of need identified by teachers. Also throughout the year, I am able to bring in guest speakers to work with the grade levels on developmentally appropriate topics. These include things like bullying, drug prevention, cyber safety, and sexual abuse prevention. 
I am at school 8:40am-3:55pm on all school days. I am happy to speak over the phone, through email, or in person. Please reach out with any concerns you may have for your child! I am happy to work together as a team to best support him or her! 
Thank you!
Mrs. Kelsey Schwartz MA, NCC
School Counselor
(814) 824-3400 ext. 4141

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